Friday, October 17, 2008


We have been setting the animal trap lately
because the critters have been eating our fruit.
Jeremy set the trap days ago but forgot to check
it. He remembered this afternoon and found he
caught a skunk and isn't quite sure how long its
been there... but Jeremy made sure it was still
alive by throwing a pear at the cage.

Jeremy opened the door to set him free because
he felt so bad that the skunk had been in the cage suffering.
It wouldn't leave the cage so Jeremy dumped a bucket
of water on him and to our surprise, he liked it. (he must
have been very thirsty). Jeremy kept making him mad
by throwing things at him and telling him to go, but he just sat
there. Finally, Jeremy got him out somehow and as hi ran off, he
sprayed. Luckily we didn't get any of the juice on us, but
the neighborhood sure stunk.


Frei Family said...

OOOO!! That is so gross!! You should have called grandpa and stan... maybe they would have kept the little guy!!

KayDee said...

Hey Bevin it's KayDee. I saw your blog on Latisha's hope you don't mind! Those darn Skunks!

Avree said...

Oh I think skunks are so cute! They're sure smelly though, I'm glad you didn't get the "skunk juice" on you!